What are your favourite books on spiritual or personal growth? We quite often get asked this question and it always gets us thinking about what our current favourite books are. So here are some of the books, in no particular order, that we have read recently and really enjoyed!
The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton
Love without End by Glenda Green
Violet Flame – by Elizabeth Clare Prophet
The Divine Matrix by Greg Braden
Serpent of Light by Drunvalo Melchizedek
Living in the Heart by Drunvalo Melchizedek
The Flower of Life Vol 1 & Vol 2 by Drunvalo Melchizedek
Fractal Time by Gregg Braden
The Secret by Rhona Byrne
What are your favourites? Drop us an email or write a comment and share your favourite spiritually related books – we’d love to know!