Rose Flower
Holistic Perspective

Overhauling Valentines Day

13th February 2012 Crystal Herbs 0

Valentines Day Valentine’s Day has become the day in the year that we most associate with ‘love’, and the celebration of our intimate and closest relationships. Unfortunately it has also become a focus for that […]

Holistic Perspective

Call to Prayer from Masuru Emoto

30th March 2011 Crystal Herbs 0

We received this email, as did many others, from Masaru Emoto ( whose wonderful work with water crystals is detailed in his book The Hidden Messages in Water and felt that we would really like to […]

Guest Writers

Guardian Angels

23rd September 2010 Crystal Herbs 2

Guardian Angels – an article by Tracey Hougham If you could have pure unconditional love, you know, the kind of love that no matter what you do or did you would always be forgiven? Respected? […]

Holistic Perspective

Empowering the Heart

10th June 2009 Crystal Herbs 1

As we experience what is going on inside of ourselves and observe what is currently happening to everyone around us it is very clear to us that the pace of change is continuing to gather […]

Holistic Perspective

Seeing the Greater Picture

8th December 2008 Crystal Herbs 1

12 12 and the Solstice, December 08 There is no doubt that we live in exciting and tumultuous times. As 2008 draws to a close and we review the events that have taken place since […]